Welcome to the Philosource Websites

Pre-Socratics Source
The famous collection of Presocratic thinkers in ninety chapters edited by H. Diels and W. Kranz, with the parallel Italian translation edited by G. Giannantoni.

Socratics Source
The collection of testimonies about Socrates and Socratics (Socratis et Socraticorum Reliquiae) edited by G. Giannantoni.

Diogenes Laertius Source
Lives and opinions of eminent Philosophers in ten books. Collation of the editions of R. D. Hicks, H. S. Long, M. Marcovich and the Italian translation of M. Gigante with parallel Greek text restored on the bases of his philological notes.

Modern Source
A selection of primary sources relevant to the understanding of scientific and philosophical thought of the Early Modern Age from Giordano Bruno to Immanuel Kant.

Nietzsche Source
Nietzsche Source publishes the digital facsimile edition of Nietzsche's works and manuscripts, based on the original documents held at the Klassik Stiftung Weimar. It also makes available the electronic version of the reference critical edition of works edited by Giorgio Colli and Mazzino Montinari.

Wittgenstein Source
Wittgenstein Source currently provides access to 5 000 pages of Wittgenstein's Nachlass materials in facsimile edition and more than 1 000 pages in text edition.

Sophiavision Source
Sophiavision currently contains 308 videos from the archives of Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI) and from our series of new interviews, which cover a number of authors and topics through the history of philosophy.