3 December 2009 | Paris, France
Towards a Semantic Web of Philosophy
École normale supérieure
Conveners: Paolo D’Iorio (CNRS, Paris, Oxford) and Manuel Dries (Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford)
6 May 2009 | Oxford, England
Philosophy in the Digital Era
Maison Française d’Oxford
This international conference presented a critical analysis of the current and future states of philosophy in the digital era. Beginning with a series of papers about the present availability of philosophical content online, the workshop concluded with an analysis of semantic technologies for the humanities.
3-8 March 2009 | Hannover, Germany
Talia developers Net7 presented their product at CeBIT, one of the world's leading IT/computing fairs in conjunction with Apice, a consortium of small companies from Tuscany.
9 February 2009 | Rome, Italy
Publishing, Indexing and Enriching Scholarly Content on the Web
Facoltà di Filosofia, villa Mirafiori, Rome
In February 2009 the Discovery project partners held a workshop focused on one of the key aspects of the Philosource sites, namely the ability to enrich the scholarly content with semantically structured metadata. The project architects and engineers met with scholars in the field for a hands-on workshop that covered the different tools (Fabrica, Talia, and Philospace) used to tag and structure content in Philosource in order to understand how these are being used by specialists working on the Wittgenstein Source, Daphnet, and Nietzsche Source projects.
19-20 November, 2008 | Oxford, England
State of the art in electronic journals—establishing the framework for International Nietzsche Journal (INJ).
Maison Française d’Oxford
This intensive, two-day workshop brought together experts in Nietzsche scholarship, journal editing and publication, and active members of the open journals community. Day one was a critical survey of existing technologies and editorial practices for electronic journals, including a review of the characteristics of successful and unsuccessful electronic journals. Day two focused on components for creating a framework for a new International Nietzsche Journal, including marketing and dissemination, oversight and management, and quality control of content.
22-24 May 2008 | Oxford, England
The Dilemmas of Digitization: Thinking about the Past, Planning the Future. How to Digitize the Humanities?
Maison Française d’Oxford
This conference was a gathering of international experts on digitization plans, brought together to assess the achievements of the last 30 years, to examine successes and failures. The first day addressed the main aspects of the digital libraries and research infrastructures for the humanities. The second was devoted to an analysis of a number of specific case studies. Contrasting successful, and less successful, attempts at digitization and digital scholarship provided fruitful grounds for future plans. The last session was devoted to the conditions of access to the digitized material. Essential issues such as the question of copyright, funding of digitization projects, as well as national and transnational cooperation and harmonization were addressed in this session.
26-27 October 2007 | Pisa, Italy
Railstoitaly Conference
After the incredible success of many rails conferences worldwide, the first italian rails event was a great success! The 26th and 27th of October, the Department of Informatics
of the University of Pisa hosted Railstoitaly 07, organized by the
Discovery partner Net7 and sponsored by the COST Action A32 "Scholarly communities on the web." The event attracted developers, IT managers, ruby experts, web artists, Italian and European researchers. They all
met at Railstoitaly 07 for two days of presentations, tutorials
and creativity. The Discovery project (WP5) was presented at
the conference by Daniel Hahn, Michele Nucci, Luca Mearelli, “Digital
Libraries on Rails: Talia”. For more information visit the conference Website at the adress:
18-20 October 2007 | Rome, Italy
Software Tools for Structural and Semantic Enrichment
The partners of the Discovery project met in Rome at the Villa Mirafiori (Faculty of Philosophy, Univ. "La Sapienza"). During the workshop the partners analyzed the work done during the first year of the project and discussed problems and perspectives for the continuation
of the research. See the full workshop programme.
5-11 August 2007 | Kirchberg, Austria
30th International Wittgenstein Symposium
The general theme of the 30th International Wittgenstein Symposium was Philosophy of the Information Society. Sections:
1. Wittgenstein
2. Wittgenstein and the digital turn
3. Information science, text theory and hermeneutics in the digital context
4. Philosophy of media
5. Philosophy of the Internet
6. Ethics and political economy of the information society
Workshop: Electronic philosophy resources and Open Source
Panel discussion: Philosophy of the Information Society. Chances and Challenges.
Presentations on the Discovery project were given by:
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- Deirdre Smith (Bergen), Re-Discovering Wittgenstein
- Katja Brunkhorst & Paolo D'Iorio (Munich), From HyperNietzsche to Discovery. Digital Semantic Corpora for Virtual Research in Philosophy
- Stefano David & Cesare Rocchi (Ancona), Philosophy and Computational Ontologies
- Wilhelm Krüger (Bergen), Wittgenstein Registrieren
14-17 June 2007 | Bergen, Norway
Workshop on Ontologies
A two-day workshop was organized by DEIT and WAB to discuss and define the process of modelling the domain ontologies for each type of content provided. The aims were 1) to transfer knowledge about Semantic Web basic concepts and tools to the content providers, giving them the know-how to start developing the domain ontologies; and 2) to discuss and analyze the particular domains to be modelled, deriving requirements for the choice of representation formalisms and development tools.
11 June 2007 | Bologna, Italy
Initial Philospace Focus Group
See Michele Barbera's blog for more information.
16-19 November 2006 | Sassetta, Italy
Kick-off Meeting
Representatives of the main partners of the Discovery project met in Sassetta from 16-19 November 2006. Each representative gave an introductory presentation of his or her institution and an overall introduction to the Discovery project was given. All aspects of the project were analyzed and discussed both in small working groups and in plenary sessions. A detailed work plan was drawn up for the first twelve months and a projected work plan was drafted for the following twelve months. Tasks were assigned to each working group and the consortium agreement was prepared. Following the final plenary session, the Governing Board had its first official meeting.